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Language Codes


ISO 639-1 language codes represent names of the major world languages. They are language identifiers that were developed for the needs of terminology, linguistics, translation and documentation, as well as lexicography and information.

The codes are assigned by the Infoterm (the International Information Centre for Terminology), based in Vienna, Austria.

AA Afar The Republic of Djibouti, Eritrea, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
AB Abkhaz Abkhazia (Georgia)
AE Avestan The Islamic Republic of Iran
AF Afrikaans The Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Namibia
AK Akan The Republic of Ghana, the eastern part of the Ivory Coast
AM Amharic The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
AN Aragonese Aragon (the Kingdom of Spain)
AR Arabic The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Yemen, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Sultanate of Oman, the Western Sahara, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of the Sudan, the Republic of Tunisia
AS Assamese Assam (the Republic of India)
AV Avaric North-western part of Azerbaijan (the Republic of Azerbaijan), the Republic of Dagestan (the Russian Federation)
AY Aymara The Aymara Indian tribal language – western part of the Republic of Bolivia, northern part of the Republic of Chile, southern part of the Republic of Peru
AZ Azerbaijani The Republic of Azerbaijan, north-western part of the Islamic Republic of Iran
BA Bashkir The Republic of Bashkortostan (the Russian Federation)
BE Belarusian The Republic of Belarus
BG Bulgarian The Republic of Bulgaria
BH Bihari Bihar (the Republic of India)
BI Bislama The Republic of Vanuatu
BM Bambara Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, the Republic of Senegal
BN Bengali Assam and West Bengal (the Republic of India), People’s Republic of Bangladesh
BO Tibetan Tibet (the People’s Republic of China)
BR Bretoņ Brittany (the Republic of France)
BS Bosnian The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Montenegro, the Republic of Serbia
CA Catalan The Principality of Andorra, Catalonia (the Kingdom of Spain)
CE Chechen The Chechen Republic (the Russian Federation)
CH Chamorro The United States territory of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands
CO Corsican Corsica (the Republic of France), north Sardinia (the Republic of Italy)
CR Cree Canadian Aboriginal language
CS Czech The Czech Republic
CU Old Church Slavonic The first literary Slavic language (the text of the Bible and other ancient writings)
CV Chuvash The Chuvash Republic and its neighbouring countries (the Russian Federation)
CY Welsh Wales (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
DA Danish The Kingdom of Denmark
DE German The Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Swiss Confederation, the Federal Republic of Germany
DV Maldivian The Republic of Maldives
DZ Dzongkha The Kingdom of Bhutan
EE Ewe The Republic of Benin, the Republic of Ghana, the Republic of Togo
EL Greek The Hellenic Republic (Greece), the Republic of Cyprus
EN English The United States of America, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of South Africa, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, etc.
EO Esperanto An artificial international language of communication
ES Spanish The Kingdom of Spain, several South American countries
ET Estonian The Republic of Estonia
EU Basque South-western part of the Republic of France, central part of the Kingdom of Spain
FA Persian The Islamic State of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Tajikistan
FF Fula The Republic of Gambia, the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of Cameroon, the Republic of Senegal, the Republic of Sudan
FI Finnish The Republic of Finland
FJ Fijian The Republic of Fiji
FO Faroese Faroe Islands (the Kingdom of Denmark)
FR French The Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of France, Canada, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, several countries in Africa
FY Western Frisian Northern part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
GA Irish Ireland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GD Gaelic Scotland (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
GL Galician Galicia (the Kingdom of Spain), the Portuguese Republic
GN Guaraní The Republic of Paraguay
GU Gujarati Gujarati and other union territories of India (the Republic of India)
GV Manx Isle of Man (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
HA Hausa The Republic of Niger, northern part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
HE Hebrew Israel
HI Hindi Central and northern parts of the Republic of India
HO Hiri Motu The Independent State of Papua New Guinea
HR Croatian The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Montenegro
HT Haitian The Republic of Haiti
HU Hungarian The Republic of Hungary
HY Armenian The Republic of Armenia
HZ Herero The Republic of Botswana, the Republic of Namibia
IA Interlingua International auxiliary language developed between 1937 and 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association
IN Indonesian The Republic of Indonesia
IE Interlingue Artificial language created by Edgar de Wahl in 1922
IG Igbo The Federal Republic of Nigeria
II Sichuanese Sichuan (the People’s Republic of China)
IK Inupiaq Northern and north-western parts of Alaska (the United States of America)
IO Ido Artificial language created in 1907
IS Icelandic The Republic of Iceland
IT Italian The Republic of Italy, the Republic of San Marino, Swiss Confederation, the Vatican City State
IU Inuktitut North Canada
JA Japanese Japan
JV Javanese Island of Java (the Republic of Indonesia)
KA Georgian Georgia
KG Kongo The Republic of Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo
KI Kikuyu The Republic of Kenya
KJ Kwanyama The Republic of Angola, the Republic of Namibia
KK Kazakh The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Republic of Uzbekistan
KL Greenlandic Greenland (the Kingdom of Denmark)
KM Khmer The Kingdom of Cambodia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
KN Kannada Karnataka (the Republic of India)
KO Korean The Republic of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
KR Kanuri The Republic of Chad, the Republic of Cameroon, the Republic of Niger, the Federal Republic of Nigeria
KS Kashmiri Jammu and Kashmir (the Republic of India), the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
KU Kurdish Northern part of the Republic of Iraq, north-western part of the Islamic Republic of Iran, south-eastern part of the Republic of Turkey
KV Komi The Komi Republic (Russian Federation)
KW Cornish Cornwall (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
KY Kyrgyz The Republic of Kyrgyzstan
LA Latin The Vatican City State, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Latin is currently used in biology, medicine and other fields as an internationally recognised scientific terminology language
LB Luxembourgish The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LG Ganda Southeast Uganda (the Republic of Uganda)
LI Limburgish The Kingdom of Belgium, the Dutch border (the Kingdom of the Netherlands), the Federal Republic of Germany
LN Lingala The Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo
LO Lao Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Kingdom of Thailand
LT Lithuanian The Republic of Lithuania
LU Luba-Katanga The Democratic Republic of Congo
LV Latvian The Republic of Latvia
MG Malagasy The Republic of Madagascar
MH Marshallese The Republic of Marshall Islands, the Republic of Nauru
MI Māori New Zealand
MK Macedonian The Republic of Macedonia
ML Malayalam Kerala (the Republic of India)
MN Mongolian Mongolia
MO Moldavian The Republic of Moldova
MR Marathi Maharashtra (the Republic of India)
MS Malay East Timor, Brunei Darussalam, the Republic of Indonesia, the Federation of Malaysia, the Republic of Singapore
MT Maltese The Republic of Malta
MY Burmese The Union of Myanmar
NA Nauru The Republic of Nauru
NB Norwegian Bokmål One of the two written forms of the Norwegian language in the Kingdom of Norway. It is based on Danish vocabulary and grammar, and Norwegian phonetics.
ND North Ndebele The Republic of Zimbabwe
NE Nepali The Kingdom of Bhutan, the Republic of India, the Union of Myanmar, the Kingdom of Nepal
NG Ndonga South Angola (the Republic of Angola), the Republic of Namibia
NL Dutch The Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands
NN Norwegian Nynorsk One of the two written forms of the Norwegian language in the Kingdom of Norway developed in the 1850s by the linguist Ivar Aasen by synthesising the Norwegian dialects.
NO Norwegian The Kingdom of Norway
NR South Ndebele The Republic of South Africa
NV Navajo Language of the Navajo Indian tribe (the United States of America)
NY Chichewa The Republic of Malawi, central and southern parts of the African continent
OC Occitan Southern part of the Republic of France
OJ Ojibwe The United States of America, Canada
OM Oromo The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Republic of Kenya
OR Oriya Orissa (the Republic of India)
OS Ossetian Georgia, the Russian Federation
PA Panjabi The Republic of India, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PI Pāli Literary and liturgical language of the Republic of India
PL Polish The Republic of Poland
PS Pashto The Islamic State of Afghanistan, north-western part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PT Portuguese The Republic of Angola, East Timor, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of Portugal, etc.
QU Quechua The Republic of Argentina, the Republic of Bolivia, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of Ecuador, the Republic of Colombia, the Republic of Peru
RM Romansh The Swiss Confederation
RN Kirundi The Republic of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Republic of Tanzania
RO Romanian The Republic of Moldova, Romania
RU Russian The Russian Federation
RW Kinyarwanda The Republic of Rwanda
SA Sanskrit One of the liturgical languages of Buddhism and Hinduism in the Republic of India
SC Sardinian Sardinia (the Republic of Italy)
SD Sindhi The Republic of India, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SE Northern Sami Northern part of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Karelia (the Russian Federation), the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden
SG Sango The Central African Republic
SI Sinhala The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
SK Slovak The Slovak Republic
SL Slovenian The Republic of Slovenia
SM Samoan The Independent State of Samoa
SN Shona Southern part of the Republic of Zambia, the Republic of Zimbabwe
SO Somali The Republic of Djibouti, the Federative Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Republic of Yemen, the Republic of Kenya, the Somali Republic
SQ Albanian The Republic of Albania, the Republic of Kosovo
SR Serbian The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Montenegro, the Republic of Serbia
SS Swati The Republic of South Africa, the Kingdom of Swaziland
ST Southern Sotho The Republic of South Africa, the Kingdom of Lesotho
SU Sundanese Island of Java (the Republic of Indonesia)
SV Swedish The Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden
SW Swahili The Republic of Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda
TA Tamil The Republic of India, the Republic of Singapore, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
TE Telugu The Republic of India
TG Tajik The Islamic State of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Tajikistan
TH Thai The Kingdom of Cambodia, North Federation of Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Kingdom of Thailand
TI Tigrinya Eritrea, the Federative Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
TK Turkmen The Islamic State of Afghanistan, the Republic of Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Turkey, Turkmenistan
TL Tagalog The Republic of the Philippines
TN Tswana The Republic of Botswana, the Republic of South Africa
TO Tonga The Kingdom of Tonga
TR Turkish The Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Turkey
TS Tsonga The Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Mozambique, the Kingdom of Swaziland, the Republic of Zimbabwe
TT Tatar The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Tatarstan (the Russian Federation)
TW Twi The Republic of Ghana
TY Tahitian French Polynesia
UG Uighur The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan
UK Ukrainian Ukraine
UR Urdu The Republic of India, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
UZ Uzbek The Republic of Uzbekistan
VE Venda The Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Zimbabwe
VI Vietnamese The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
VO Volapük Artificial language developed between 1879 and 1880 by a German priest Johann Martin Schleyer
WO Wolof The Republic of Gambia, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the Republic of Senegal
XH Xhosa The Republic of South Africa
YI Yiddish A Hebrew language spoken by the Jewish diaspora in many parts of the world, for example, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Sweden, etc.
YO Yoruba The Republic of Benin, the Federative Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Togo
ZA Zhuang The People’s Republic of China
ZH Chinese The People’s Republic of China
ZU Zulu The Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Mozambique, the Kingdom of Swaziland, the Republic of Zimbabwe





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