Translation cost from and to English is calculated for every order individually. The price calculation takes into account various elements specific to your order, for example, the price of sequential oral and simultaneous translations is based on the time of providing the service, location of the event, travel costs, and daily allowance. In simultaneous translation, expenses for technical support are additionally calculated depending on the number of participants in the event, etc. The price of written translations consists of the volume and readability of the translated material, the due date of the translation, the complexity of the terminology, repetitions in the text, formatting and complexity of pictures and graphics, correction, as well as additional services chosen by the client.
Of course, the price list of written and oral translations (simultaneous and sequential), localisation, and adaptation from and to English is an integral part of our contracts with clients. Each time, the Skrivanek Baltic translation agency project managers prepare detailed information about the cost of the translation before starting a translation project. The price offer is prepared in 30 minutes. The price of written translations is based on the number of words in the text, repetitions, complexity of graphic elements, and other parameters. In order for you to receive a price offer, we will wait for your material to be translated in our e-mail.
Contact Skrivanek Baltic today for a free quote on English translation or any other combination of translation and related business services. Our English language services include:
- English Document Translation
- English Simultaneous Interpretation
- English Linguistic Validation
- English Consecutive Interpretation
- English Transcription
- English Typesetting and Graphics
- English Voiceovers and Subtitling
- English Staffing Solutions
- English Multicultural Marketing
- English Document Management
- English Deposition Services
- English Virtual Data Room Services
- English E-learning Support
Looking for a language solution in English? We will prepare a tailored solution and consult you on your subject of interest.
The origins of modern English can be traced back to the 7th century AD when three Germanic tribes arrived in the British Isles – Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, which together created the Anglo-Saxon tribes in the 7th–8th centuries by mixing with the local inhabitants of the Isles – Celts, Picts, and Scots.
The English language can be categorised into three time periods:
- Old English or Anglo-Saxon (8th–11th centuries)
- Middle English (12th–16th centuries)
- Modern English (from 16th century to now)
English is a West-Germanic language of the Indo-European language family.
There are several English variants in the world that differ from each other in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar: Australian English, British English, Canadian English, etc.
Each English variant has multiple dialects. For example, the main British English dialects are the South English dialect, Middle English dialect, North English dialect, as well as the Irish dialect, Scottish dialect, Welsh dialect, etc.
Undeniably English is the most popular language in the world. Its ancient history, rich vocabulary, literature, and universities are only a few of the reasons that make English so special. And there are many aspects that make this language such an interesting and unique embodiment of English culture and traditions. Some of them make us smile and seem peculiar. But even the strangest fact related to this beautiful language will be said with a royal accent!
- The shortest grammatically correct sentence in English is ‘Go!’
- The original form of the word butterfly was flutterby.
- Every year 4000 new words are added to the English dictionary.
- The most frequently English words are ‘I’ and ‘you’.
- English is considered the happiest language in the world because the word ‘happy’ is used three times more than the word ‘sad’.
- English is the only popular language that is not regulated by any of the state institutes for language.
- More than 80% of saved and available information on the internet is in English.
- The word ‘lol’ was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011.
- At one point Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland was banned in China since the Chinese government believed that animals should not be given the right to speak in a human language thus emphasising equality between humans and animals.
- Charles Dickens was quite superstitious – he believed that sleeping in a northern direction would improve his talent. He always carried a compass with him to make sure he is sleeping in the right direction.
- Originally only male actors were allowed to act in Shakespeare’s plays. Women were forbidden to be on a stage at that time in England.
- Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester, purchased by Bill Gates for ‘only’ 30 million US dollars, is one of the most expensive books in English.
Written English has used the Latin alphabet since the 9th century, before that Anglo-Saxon runes were used. The alphabet consists of 26 letters, each letter has both an upper-case and lower-case form. It is one of the rare languages that does not use diacritical marks in writing. The most frequently used letter in English is e. The least frequent is z. The apostrophe in English is not used as a diacritical mark and is not included in the alphabet. In writing, it is used for two important purposes – to mark the possessive form for singular and plural nouns and personal pronouns, as well as for contractions.
English is exceptionally difficult to learn. The language has complex grammar, spelling, and pronunciation, which confuses even the native speakers. English has an abundance of idioms and metaphors. For example, the phrase she kicked the bucket would literally mean someone kicking a bucket with their feet, but in everyday speech, the meaning is completely different – the phrase means ‘she died’. There could be thousands of similar examples and sometimes they are even puzzling to native English speakers, let alone to those who are learning it as a foreign language. There are many English words whose origins seem irrational, sometimes even hilarious, for example, the word pineapple. In literal meaning, this word consists of two words – pine and apple. But what does it have to do with the object itself? The pronunciation is difficult as well since it does not match the spelling. Consonants or combinations of vowels can be pronounced differently based on the placement in a word. There are a lot of homonyms in English. Native English speakers usually know which meaning the speaker intended, but it might cause misunderstandings for a learner. Each level of English knowledge requires at least 120 studying hours, but they basically take up 200 hours. Therefore, 1200 studying hours are required to reach an advanced level.

English is the most common language in the world and is used as an international communication language in all parts of the world. It is estimated that the number of English speakers has increased to two billion. It is the native language for around 400 million people, and English is the official language in 54 world countries and 24 territories. English is one of the official languages in many of these countries and territories, but in some countries, most of the population does not understand English even if it is the official language. There are also countries where English is the dominant language even though it does not have an official status, for example, in Australia. Most English speakers live in the USA, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Philippines. The five largest countries by the number of native English speakers are the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. English is also the native language of many Irish citizens. English as a second language is most often used in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Sweden.

The amazing team of interpreters and translators at Skrivanek Baltic has done translations of standard written documents, documentations of European Union institutions and the largest non-state organisations in the world, complex medical and technical texts, and notarised documents for more than 25 years. The Skrivanek Baltic translation agency also provides proofreading and stylistic improvement of texts in English, and the creation of SEO content and advertisement slogans that are carried out by our native English speakers in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, and Australia. Our linguists will gladly provide information about cultural differences, business etiquette, history, and traditions. We most often do the following translations from and to English for business clients – websites and e-commerce content, digital marketing content and adaptation and adjustment of meta tags, cooperation agreements, legal acts, court rulings, and business documentation. We also do sequential translation in business or other types of events. We translate court hearings of all instances, high-level international conferences, and events on Zoom and other online platforms. For private individuals, we do translations of personal identification documents, marriage certificates, birth certificates, education documents, passports, medical documents, etc.
Language has a significant role in business and it can be an effective tool for developing business on a global level. Therefore, learning and knowing languages provides a huge opportunity to evolve business, and collaborate with foreign investors and entrepreneurs. English is the most widespread language of communication in the world, and that is why English is dominant in the world of business. English skills help establish a business in any of the 7 continents. That is the reason why English has become the only language to have 1 billion active learners around the world. It is a native language in many world countries, many learn it as their first foreign language, and there is no country in the world that does not have education institutions where one can learn English. The world’s leading organisations use it as their official and work language, and countless scientific, technological and other research is carried out and written in English. It is the main language in software development and use, it takes the first place as the language of the internet. Numerous international companies have adopted English as their main workplace language, even though the country of registration is not even an English-speaking country. Some of the more noticeable examples could be Nokia in Finland and Airbus in France. English knowledge will provide any entrepreneur the opportunity to expand their company outside their country. It is a huge prospect and an unfathomable market sector worldwide.
The United Kingdom was the first country in the world that recognised the Latvian Provisional National Council as a de facto independent institution and Zigfrīds Anna Meierovics as an unofficial diplomatic representative of the Latvian Provisional National Council in the United Kingdom on 11 November 1918 (a week before Latvia’s declaration of independence on 18 November 1918). The British Armed Forces participated in the Latvian War of Independence in 1919. In the spring of 1919, the steamboat Saratov, which had anchored in the Baltic Sea near Liepāja and was the temporary shelter and place of operation for the Latvian Provisional National Council and its leader Kārlis Ulmanis, was under the protection of the British warships. The help provided by the Brits created the notion that the United Kingdom is a friendly state power to Latvia. The United Kingdom historically has been a significant trade partner of Latvia. It has always been important for the interests of Latvia to ensure the widest possible economic ties – attracting investments, trade, and cooperation in science and technology. Latvia and the United Kingdom have active cooperation in the fields of higher education and science. Most universities in Latvia have signed cooperation agreements with British universities for exchanging students, educators, and researchers. Within the framework of this agreement, scientific conferences and seminars are hosted together, scientific articles are published, and educational and methodical literature is issued. Regular collaboration takes place in cinema, music, literature, and visual arts, as well as between theatres, museums, and national libraries.
- general and specialised translation;
- notary-certified translation;
- localisation;
- neural machine translation;
- DTP – desktop publishing;
- text adaptation and copywriting;
- interpreting;
- language training;
- linguistic auditing.
Latvian to English; English to Latvian; Estonian to English; English to Estonian; Lithuanian to English; English to Lithuanian; Russian to English; English to Russian; Czech to English; English to Czech; Polish to English; English to Polish; Ukrainian to English; English to Ukrainian; English to Spanish; Spanish to English; German to English; English to German; Italian to English; English to Italian; French to English; English to French; Danish to English; English to Danish; Norwegian to English; English to Norwegian; Swedish to English; English to Swedish; Finnish to English; English to Finnish and others.
- text adaptation and copywriting;
- interpreting;
- language training;
- linguistic auditing.
Latvian to English; English to Latvian; Estonian to English; English to Estonian; Lithuanian to English; English to Lithuanian; Russian to English; English to Russian; Czech to English; English to Czech; Polish to English; English to Polish; Ukrainian to English; English to Ukrainian; English to Spanish; Spanish to English; German to English; English to German; Italian to English; English to Italian; French to English; English to French; Danish to English; English to Danish; Norwegian to English; English to Norwegian; Swedish to English; English to Swedish; Finnish to English; English to Finnish and others.