The price for translations to and from Albanian is calculated individually for each order. The price calculation takes into account parameters specific to your order. For example, for consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting the price is based on the time of the service, the location of the event, travel expenses, and daily allowance. For simultaneous interpreting there are additional costs for technical support depending on the number of participants at the event, etc. The price of Albanian translation is determined by the volume and readability of the material to be translated, the translation deadlines, the complexity of the terminology, repetitions in the text, the complexity and formatting of images and graphics, proofreading, as well as other additional services chosen by the client.
Of course, the price list for both translation and interpretation (simultaneous and consecutive), localisation and adaptation services from and into Albanian is an integral part of our cooperation agreement with our clients. Skrivanek’s translation project managers prepare detailed information on the price of a translation before the start of each translation project. The price estimate is ready within 30 minutes. For written works, the number of words in the source text, repetition, complexity of graphic elements and other parameters are taken into account when setting the price. We look forward to receiving your translated material by email for the price.
Contact Skrivanek Baltic today for a free quote on Albanian translation or any other combination of translation and related business services. Our Albanian language services include:
- Albanian Document Translation
- Albanian Simultaneous Interpretation
- Albanian Linguistic Validation
- Albanian Consecutive Interpretation
- Albanian Transcription
- Albanian Typesetting and Graphics
- Albanian Voiceovers and Subtitling
- Albanian Staffing Solutions
- Albanian Multicultural Marketing
- Albanian Document Management
- Albanian Deposition Services
- Albanian Virtual Data Room Services
- Albanian E-learning Support
Looking for a language solution in Albanian? We will prepare a tailored solution and consult you on your subject of interest.
Life in Albania differs from the usual European lifestyle where everyone is busy getting somewhere and are occupied all the time. The Albanians live slowly, and peacefully and don’t worry about the little things in life. This is a country where simplicity and its own rules govern, and their goal is to make their life more pleasant for themselves. Albania does not follow some set principles – through the ages they have lived and not complained about anything. Albania, with its ancient and complex history untouched nature – rocky slopes, turquoise blue sea, lakes, rivers and forests is – one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. Local resident hospitality and cordiality makes this country’s southern charm. Older Albanians are so proud of their country and its ancient traditions, that even daily they might be walking around in folk costume. The Albanian language is unique, you won’t find any similar in any other country, because you won’t hear any similar words in other languages This is a land of great contrasts, where the simple is mixed with the subtle, the spiritual and the mysterious.
- Albanian is an isolated Indo-European language and there have been many discussions about its place in the Indo-European language family. The dawn of the Albanians and their language is still unclear. Some linguistic researchers point out that Albanian has come from the Illyrian language, one of the oldest Balkan Peninsulas languages. However, many studies have shown that the Illyrian language has a lot of similarities with the Romanian and Celtic languages. But Albanian phonologically and morphologically is more similar to the Slavic, Indo-Iranian and Armenian languages. The possibility that Albanian has originated from Dacian or even Thracian languages is also accepted.
- The time of the Roman empire from 2nd to 4th century BC, as well as the Slavic colonisation from the 6th to 7th century, the Byzantine influence and the incorporation of part of the ethnic territory into the Bulgarian and Serbian administered territories, as well as the struggle over the prevailing confrontation between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches have left their influence on the Albanian language.
- Albanian is the official language in Albania and Kosovo and is one of the official languages in North Macedonia and Montenegro.
- The Albanian language has 2 dialects – the Gheg dialect which is spoken in the north of Albania and in Kosovo, and theTosk dialect – in the south of Albania. They mainly differ in the phonetic aspect, but the speakers can understand each other without difficulty. 80% of Albanian literary language is based on the Tosk dialect. Since the middle ages Albanians who live in the south of Italy speak the Arbëreshë language, and the Arvanitika language is spoken in Greece.
- The official regulator of the Albanian language is the Social Sciences Division of the Academy of Sciences of Albania.
- The only Albanian who has received a Nobel Prize is Mother Teresa.
- From 1941 to 1992 any all religion was banned in Albania under the communist regime. Thus Albania was the first atheist country on the planet.
- There are no McDonald’s restaurants in Albania, but there is a similar fast food chain called Kolonat.
- Every evening, Albanian villages and towns have an interesting activity, traffic is closed and everyone goes for a walk to burn off the calories from dinner. This evening walk even has a special name – xhiro.
- Albanians do not call their country Albania, but Shqipëria (Land of the Eagles).
- One of the most surprising facts about Albania is that it has a population of 3 million, but at least 7 million Albanians live outside its borders. The main reason for emigration, which started in the early 1990s, was the high unemployment in Albania.
- By 1991, Albania had only 3,000 cars for every 3 million inhabitants. Under the Communist regime, only Party members were allowed to own a car.
- In 1995, the Albanian government introduced a traffic light tax, but drivers in Skadar refused to pay it because they thought it was absurd. The reason – there are no traffic lights in Skadar!
- Since the 15th century, Albanians have had a code of honour – Besa. It means keeping a promise. Besa is one of the most important facts about the culture of the Albanian people.
- Albanians are incredibly superstitious – at every turn, they see a sign that warns them of future events.
- If a man happens to visit a hairdresser in Albania, don’t be surprised to get a slap on the head after cutting your hair. For Albanians, it’s just a friendly gesture, like wishing someone good health.
Of the earliest known writings from the 14th century, Albanian has been written using many different alphabets. The earliest written Albanian texts come from the Gheg region, based on Italian or Greek. Originally, the Tosk dialect was written in the Greek alphabet and the Gheg dialect was written in the Latin script. Both dialects were also written in the Turkish-Arabic alphabet that was in use in the Ottoman Empire, in Cyrillic and in some local alphabets. Writers from northern Albania under the influence of the Catholic Church used Latin letters, those from southern Albania under the influence of the Greek Orthodox Church used Greek letters, and the rest of Albania under the influence of Islam used Arabic letters. The first attempts to create an original Albanian alphabet were made between 1750 and 1850. These hundred years in Albania were an era of astonishing orthographic diversity. During this period, Albanian was written in at least ten different alphabets, a record for a European language. The modern Albanian alphabet is the Latin alphabet, which consists of 36 letters (7 vowels and 29 consonants). This is one of the two versions approved at the Monastir Congress, organised by Albanian intellectuals in November 1908. The letters ë and ç and ten digraphs (dh, th, xh, gj, nj, ng, ll, rr, zh and sh) were added to the Latin alphabet. The Albanian alphabet does not contain the letter w.
The difficulty or ease of learning a particular language is influenced by factors such as the availability of learning resources, the learner’s exposure to the language, the learner’s mother tongue and the specific characteristics of the foreign language – grammatical structure, pronunciation, alphabet, etc. Languages with complex grammatical structures are often considered difficult, and Albanian is one of them.
Albanian is classified as a level 2 language along with Hungarian, Ukrainian, Hindi, Malay and others. Based on this classification, Albanian is a difficult language to learn. It is not as difficult to learn as Arabic or Chinese, but not as easy as Swedish, Portuguese or Spanish. Compared to other languages in the same category, Albanian is relatively simple.
The number of Albanian speakers worldwide could be around 8-10 million. A relatively small number live in Albania – around 3 million, and in Kosovo around 2.2 million. There are also relatively large numbers of Albanian speakers in northern Macedonia and Greece. Albanian migration out of Albania dates back to the 15th century. Interestingly, the Albanian diaspora is significantly larger than the population of the country itself. The largest Albanian diaspora communities are in Italy, Argentina, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Other important communities are in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Belgium, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The Albanian diaspora continues to grow as a result of the country’s high unemployment rate.
Skrivanek Baltic’s team of Albanian translators and interpreters work with Albanian translations of standard documents, complex technical translations and notarised translations. The Skrivanek translation agency also provides proofreading and stylistic improvement of texts in Albanian, and SEO content creation adapted to the Albanian market and Albanian mentality. Our language experts will be happy to tell you about cultural differences, business etiquette, Albanian history and traditions. For business clients, our most common translations to and from Albanian include: website and e-commerce content, advertising slogan adaptations, cooperation agreements, legislation, court rulings and business documentation. We also provide consecutive interpreting for business or other conversations, conferences and other events, online on Zoom and other online platforms. For individuals, we translate identity documents, marriage certificates, children’s birth certificates, education documents, passports, medical documents, etc. from and into Albanian.
In Albania, most public officials speak English or another European language – French, Italian, German or Greek. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in private business; Albanian entrepreneurs prefer to speak their mother tongue, although they do speak at least one foreign language, the most common of which are English and Italian. Interpreters are widely used in all kinds of meetings, sometimes as an assistant or secretaries to the Albanian host. Contracting in Albania is either oral and/or written. Albanians do not like paperwork and try to keep things simple. In private companies, the same person can be the manager, secretary, accountant and driver. Most young Albanians (under 35) are fluent in English and often in other languages, mainly Italian.
Albanian is not used as a business language outside Albania, but it is important to know it at a beginner’s level if you have the opportunity and desire to develop your business in Albania.
We know relatively little about Albania, but interest in the country continues to grow, both culturally and in terms of tourism. As for the latter, travelling around Albania, one can encounter at every turn “races of the reign of Enver Hoxha in Albanian politics, architecture, people’s thinking, religion and history.
Who was this Enver Hoxha? Enver Hoxha was the founder and leader of the People’s Republic of Albania and Secretary of the Albanian Workers’ Party. He was prime minister of Albania from 1944 to 1954 and foreign minister from 1946 to 1953. Hoxha imposed economic isolation from the rest of Europe, banned all religions and established strict state control over the population. A look around in Albania reveals that Albanians were inspired, in Hoxha’s time, in many areas by North Korea. The reasons, it turns out, lie in the deep worship of dictatorship and protectionism that the great Enver Hoxha taught the people over many decades, ruling after the Second World War until the mid-1980s. During his reign, Hoxha gradually destroyed all diplomatic and economic relations between Albania and the Soviet Union, China and the Yugoslav republics. Thus, at the end of his era, which coincided with his death in 1985, Hoxha had completely isolated Albania from the rest of the world. It knew neither the communist East nor the capitalist West. Although the first multi-party elections were held in 1991, the population voted overwhelmingly for the Communist Party out of fear. It was only years later that multi-party coalitions started to form. For decades, dictator Hoxha tried to convince people that they lived in one of the most developed and happiest countries in the world. The state intervened in every possible aspect of people’s lives, including their private lives. The interference took the form of absurd prohibitions – no religious rituals, no cats or dogs, no phone calls abroad, no private cars, no beards, etc. Even the train tracks are said to have ended at the border. Little was allowed, but what was allowed was in fact compulsory. Hoxha was known for his strong political views, which he put into practice. For example, he called Albania the first atheist country in the world. Official figures currently show that the majority of the population is Islamic, but in reality, only about 5% of these believers practise their religion. In fact, Albania under Hoxha ‘s influence has today become one of the few exceptions in the world where different religions peacefully coexist and even support their neighbour’s choices. In the 1970s and 1980s, Hoxha ordered the construction of bunkers throughout Albania, due to territorial disputes with neighbours and a paranoid fear of unjustified threats of attack. 222,000 bunkers were planned, but only about 174,000 were built. Many workers died during the construction of the bunkers, which is why the bunkers have plaques commemorating them. Bunkers are everywhere in Albania, big and small, and it is definitely the country with the most bunkers in the world. Crossing the Albanian border, you get the feeling that you’ve arrived at a secret military facility or a Hollywood film set where a movie about war is being shot – everywhere these peculiar architectural forms poke out of the ground. Of course, they are not so visible in the cities, but the border meadows are literally covered with them. Bunkers have also been built on roadsides, in backyards, gardens and parks – wherever the enemy might suddenly arrive. Statistics show that Albania has about 24 bunkers per square kilometre. It is both ridiculous and tragic because this utterly pointless bunkerisation programme weakened the country’s economy by wasting huge resources that the country had so badly lacked for decades – people lived in unimaginable austerity, even getting electricity three times a day for a short while. It was only after 1990 that the State abandoned the maintenance of the bunker system. Some of the bunkers are now used as sheds, storage or other utility rooms, some have been converted into roadside cafés, but many are simply abandoned.

- text adaptation and copywriting;
- interpreting;
- language training;
- linguistic auditing.
Latvian to Albanian; Albanian to Latvian; Estonian to Albanian; Albanian to Estonian; Lithuanian to Albanian; Albanian to Lithuanian; Russian to Albanian; Albanian to Russian; Czech to Albanian; Albanian to Czech; Polish to Albanian; Albanian to Polish; Ukrainian to Albanian; Albanian to Ukrainian; Albanian to Spanish; Spanish to Albanian; German to Albanian; Albanian to German; Italian to Albanian; Albanian to Italian; French to Albanian; Albanian to French; Danish to Albanian; Albanian to Danish; Norwegian to Albanian; Albanian to Norwegian; Swedish to Albanian; Albanian to Swedish; Finnish to Albanian; Albanian to Finnish and others.
- general and specialised translation;
- notary-certified translation;
- localisation;
- neural machine translation;
- DTP – desktop publishing;
- text adaptation and copywriting;
- interpreting;
- language training;
- linguistic auditing.
Latvian to Albanian; Albanian to Latvian; Estonian to Albanian; Albanian to Estonian; Lithuanian to Albanian; Albanian to Lithuanian; Russian to Albanian; Albanian to Russian; Czech to Albanian; Albanian to Czech; Polish to Albanian; Albanian to Polish; Ukrainian to Albanian; Albanian to Ukrainian; Albanian to Spanish; Spanish to Albanian; German to Albanian; Albanian to German; Italian to Albanian; Albanian to Italian; French to Albanian; Albanian to French; Danish to Albanian; Albanian to Danish; Norwegian to Albanian; Albanian to Norwegian; Swedish to Albanian; Albanian to Swedish; Finnish to Albanian; Albanian to Finnish and others.